Carbon Pricing: A Critical Perspective for Community Resilience
Excerpt: “Yet, instead of focusing on how to protect humanity from the threats associated with continued fossil fuel use, most official approaches to climate change are focused on how to protect the use of fossil fules by a broad range of industrial, transport, and service corporations from peoples’ concerns about global warming. For almost all of the world’s governments, fossil fuels are too important for their power, profits, and paradigms – in creating and disciplining wage labor, increasing its productivity, speeding up global transport, extracting raw materials, encouraging consumption, creating investment opportunities and waging war – even to consider leaving them in the ground (The Corner House 2014). Using them more efficiently - yes. Supplementing them with other energy sources – yes. Rationing them for the use of thewealthy using price systems – yes. Taking over bigger and bigger swathes of land and sea to tryto “compensate” for the damage they do – yes. But a post-fossil fuel world? No.”
CItation: Gilberston, T. (2017, October). Carbon Pricing: A Critical Perspective for Community Resilience. Just Transistion Alliance.
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