Toxic TV Binge: An Investigation into Flame Retardants in Televisions

Excerpt: “For decades, television makers have been putting harmful chemicals into their products in the name of fire safety. Millions of pounds of toxic flame retardant chemicals are used in the plastic casings surrounding televisions sold at major retailers each year in the U.S. Flame retardants in TVs constitute a large and growing source of unregulated toxic pollution in our homes, workplaces and environment and pose serious health threats that are entirely preventable. This new investigation of six leading Best Buy- and Amazon-brand televisions revealed retailers and suppliers are using outdated, hazardous chemicals to meet fire safety standards that can be met with safer alternatives or material changes.”

Read the Toxic Free Future introduction here.

Citation: Schreder, E. (2021, November). Toxic TV Binge: An Investigation into Flame Retardants in Televisions. Toxic-Free Future, the Mind the Store campaign, and Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families.

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