What is Climate Justice?
This week, we are continuing our look into climate justice. The impacts of climate change are now present in our everyday lives. It is no longer a future concern. Unfortunately, racism and classism play a major role in the disproportionately impacts of climate change across the globe. This week’s selection is a website discussing the Six Pillars of Climate Justice. There are 6 videos, along with written text. The content builds off of last week’s reading on a Just Transition. We hope these readings will inspire you to consider what you might do uplift and support climate justice efforts.
Excerpt: “It seeks solutions that address the root causes of climate change and in doing so, simultaneously address a broad range of social, racial, and environmental injustices. These solutions can be organized into Six Pillars of Climate Justice.”
Citation: Duroff, S. (2022, September 6). What is Climate Justice? UC Center for Climate Justice. https://centerclimatejustice.universityofcalifornia.edu/what-is-climate-justice/